Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Creon A Bad Leader - 800 Words

! Creon: A Bad Leader Being a good leader means that someone is humble, thoughtful and unselfish. Creon is a rather weak man who has been placed into a position of authority and is incapable of handling the position well. He is a self-conceited man who is also very narrow minded. Creon who only thinks of himself, not the good of the people, causes him to lose many dear family members. And he doesn t like to be wrong or to be told that he is wrong. He is stubborn and doesn t want to change his mind for anything or anyone, which prevents him from being able to know how to handle situations well. Creon was not able to lead well, because he let the huge amount of power he had go to his head. His pride and selfishness clouded him†¦show more content†¦When he finally agrees that maybe he should free Antigone and bury Polyneices, he does those two things, but not soon enough. Antigone is left in the tomb, while Polyneices is being given a proper burial, and she hangs herself before she can be let out. After Antigone’s suicide, Haemon, Creon’s son who was in love with Antigone, and Creon’s wife also commit suicide and Creon must face the fact that his misguided stubbornness has killed everyone that was dear to him. Because of Creon’s cruelty, he lost his loved ones and all of his respect, because it was only when suffering became personalized to himself that he realized what an ineffective leader and self-centered person he has been. A good leader needs to be open about others thoughts and opinions in order to come up with what is best for everyone. Creon obviously is not a good leader at all, because he can’t appreciate and listen to many problems from different perspectives. Creon s pride causes him to be afraid to admit that he has made a mistake; and it leads to his downfall and drags his loved ones down with him. For instance, he could have opened his mind to others ways of thinking or take a vote as to what the people wanted to do. Instead, he took complete control of the situation, which ended up making him look like an idiot. Earlier in Antigone, Haemon asks Creon to let Antigone go, because he said he heard that â€Å"the city mourns forShow MoreRelatedPolitical Power During The Time Of Sophocles King Essay1508 Words   |  7 Pageseverything. Kings during this time often relied on others when it came to making decisions such as the gods. We can ask many questions when it comes to political power in the plays of Sophocles. Can an arrogant leader really make the right choices for the people? We have many examples of how these leaders used their political power. Political power in both of these stories had tragic outcomes. 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