Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Gender Differences in Particular Types of Crime Essay...

The object of this paper is to explain gender differences in particular types of crime. I intend to do this by using various books and the Internet to briefly explore burglary, prostitution and crime related to a violent nature. I also wish to include any graphs or statistics I may find of interest and relevance to this essay. It has been stated that the differences between men and women, and their upbringing, has greatly influenced the crimes they commit and whether they commit crimes at all. I personally feel that this is a generalisation and may border on stereotyping and discrimination, for example if you asked people who they thought would commit an offence related to football hooliganism†¦show more content†¦Secondly, as Bowlby suggested, People who are deprived of motherly affection in their infancy later are likely to become criminal. Although this cannot be proved we can relate it back to my initial point and conclude that people deprived of gender specific roles are generally more likely, but not guaranteed, to commit crime. The women who are most likely to become criminal are the minority who have been brought up in care, or who have rejected normal family life.Sociology, 1995. Furthermore, it is generally believed that during childhood, girls are supervised more closely than boys are and in turn they do not learn the skills that are required to commit crime. This continues in to adulthood where men are generally less supervised at work, due to careers in the building industry and driving lorries. So not only are they free to learn these skills but also to put them into practice and use them. Even though childcare is more of a shared responsibility nowadays, it is still usually largely regarded in society as a mainly female role. This is another reason women maybe isolated from certain crimes that men have more opportunity to discover. One of the most common criminal acts is burglary. It tends to be a Predominantly male crime. Internet resource one, 2004. This can explained as due to this particular crimeShow MoreRelatedFeminist Theories1008 Words   |  5 PagesOutline and assess Feminist explanations of the relationship between gender and crime. (50 marks) Gender is on the agenda† wrote Francis Heidensohn (1989) Feminist definition of crime is that â€Å"crime is politically informed and linked to particular interests†Ã¢â‚¬â€œ of men. Before feminism, women were invisible in sociological research, this meant that explanations for female recidivism saw, female crime as a ’special case’ resulting from sexual promiscuity and biological deviance. Biological explanationsRead MoreAre Women More Aggressive? 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Original Writing Bob Knowlton - 1143 Words

Abraham Penton MBA 633 Case # 2 Bob Knowlton Description Bob Knowlton was recently appointed project head after two years of working at Simmons Laboratories. Bob was very satisfied with his new position and took pride in his photon correlator project. Everything seemed great for Bob until Simon Fester came into the picture. Simon joined Bob’s group on a temporary basis until Bob’s supervisor, Dr. Jerrold figured where to place Simon. Everyone quickly realized how brilliant Simon was. He was full of ideas and had an endless amount of knowledge. Simon’s brilliance however, was quickly overcome by his annoyance and condescending attitude. Dr. Jerrold was never made aware of the problems within the group and eventually morale decreased. Bob soon took a new assignment at another company in mist of Dr. Jerrold’s upcoming announcement of Simon’s reassignment to another laboratory. Bob’s sudden resignation caused the photon laboratory to lose a valuable project head and must now find another candidate to replace Bob. Diagnosis Bob’s failure to immediately express his concerns only made matters worse. Although Bob believed that Simon was brilliant at what he did, he also realized that Simon lacked common courtesy among the group and especially towards Bob (middle-of-the-night phone calls). Being that Bob was the project head, he should have stepped up and de-escalated Simon’s disruptive behavior. Dr. Jerrold’s lack of

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Cloud Computing For Business Operations-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing for Business. Answer: Introduction Cloud computing can be briefly described as a type of technology that allows users, in our case business firms, to store their data on servers and then access that information as a form of service. The idea of paying for computing services that can be offered by using large distributed computing facilities has been around for quite a while. However, its implementation to the extent that even the common user can access it, is a fairly new technology that emerged around 2007. In this research by exploring the essential characteristics, deployment models and service models of cloud computing, I will show the advantages and disadvantages brought about by cloud computing. Project Objective The purpose of this research is to list these advantages and disadvantage in details. Apart from listing them this research shows how these advantages and disadvantages are brought about and how each of them affects both the business firms that subscribe to their services. The findings of the research can be used by business firms as they try to figure what cloud services are best to subscribe to. It also gives them a chance to access the risk they could end up facing if they decide to apply cloud computing in their operations. Project Scope The scope of this research is limited to how cloud computing makes it easier for businesses to carry out their operations and some of the challenges that cloud computing brings to business operations. There are various additional details given such as characteristics of cloud computing and its deployment models as I try to show how the advantages are brought about. This research is meant to be useful to all companies, whether big or small. Literature Review The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) defines cloud computing as a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (such as networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. (Mell, 2011). It can also be described as the access of shared resources stored in huge data centres by clients over the internet. (Babcock, 2010). Cloud computing technology is adopted by firms because it gives them the option of receiving services on demand and this in turn helps reduce amount of money spent on hardware and software resources. (Dubey and Wagle, 2007). The effect of this has had a huge impact on small and medium business firms, changing their cost structure totally. Cloud computing has several desirable features. They include: self-service, per-usage metered and billing system, elasticity and scalability and finally its customizable. According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, cloud computing has five essential characteristics. Some of these characteristics are similar to the features mentioned above. To some extent we can say that these characteristics are derived from the features mentioned above. The five essential characteristics are as follows: On demand self-services. This is seen where businesses can request for cloud services online and pay for them without their being any human-interaction between them and the service providers. Broad network access. This means that all types of clients can access cloud services, it does not matter whether they are using thick or thin client interfaces to access the services. For example, it does not matter if you are using a smart phone or a high-end computing platform such as a mainframe computer, you can still access the services. Resource pooling. Using a model that can host more than one client, a resource can be shared simultaneously by several clients. This is because the various resource is virtually and physically assigned such that they meet specific needs of each consumer. Rapid elasticity. Cloud services are easily scaled to whatever the clients needs are. For example, a business firm can scale down it storage space on demand if it no longer requires it and if the need for more storage arises, it can demand for more storage space in just few minutes. Measured service. Services offered by cloud computing can be measured and a report developed. This report is what determines how much the client is going to pay for the services they received. When it comes to deployment, businesses can use the following four models: Private cloud. This is a situation where a particular business organization has its own cloud infrastructure that can be accessed by various consumers. The infrastructure can be managed by either the organization or a third part or both can manage the infrastructure simultaneously. Community cloud. This is infrastructure that is used by consumers who have a common interest. The consumers can be from more than one organization and they come together to form a community. Public cloud. This infrastructure is meant for use by the general public. A single organization could be in charge of the cloud or several organizations could be running it. Hybrid cloud. This is an infrastructure that is comprised of two or three of the above deployment models. We have three models in which cloud computing services can be deployed in businesses. The first is Software as a Service (SaaS) where the clients in our case businesses access various application through a cloud infrastructure. The business firms have no control of the various component such as servers and networks found in this infrastructure. They can access the applications but they have no control capabilities either. The second model is Platform as a Service (PaaS) where the business firms have control of the applications and their configuration settings but not the underlying infrastructure. Finally, we have Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) where the firms have control over the storage, operating systems and the individual applications deployed. Examples of vendors that offer cloud services to businesses include: Amazon, Rackspace, Gogrid, Microsoft and many more. From all the above, we can now state the advantages a business stands to gain and the disadvantage they should expect. Advantages Reduced expenses. This is because rather than acquire hardware for purposes such as storage, all they have to do is subscribe for storage space from a cloud provider. This much cheaper meaning all they incur are operational expenses. Cloud computing is highly scalable. This is brought about by the fact cloud computing is highly elastic. That is, business can scale up or down depending on the amount of resources they need. Cloud computing is also highly flexible and mobile. This is because it is possible for user to access cloud services despite the platforms they are using and where they are located. For example, a user can access the services from a smart phone even when on the move. Better utilization of resources. When it comes to businesses, resources can be put into various categories such as human resources and assets. For example, ICT staff hired to maintain hardware can be assigned to other areas as their work is reduced since they are no longer responsible for most of the hardware. When it comes to assets such as offices, space is freed up and it can be used for other purposes. The time it takes for a product to be acquired is reduced. All businesses have a systematic way in which they acquire resources. For example, if a new server is to be acquired, processes such as procurement need to take place. This is time consuming. On the other hand, when it comes to cloud computing the business is not responsible for acquiring the server. This means that all they have to do is request for services from the provider and within no time they are delivered. Cloud computing helps businesses be eco-friendlier. This is because it reduces the number of hardware components that a business uses and the amount of energy it consumes. In case of natural disasters is more secure. This is because instead of an organizations data being stored locally they are stored in the cloud meaning if the organization is destroyed its data is safe. Cloud services provides hardware redundancy and automatic storage failover. This means that if there is hardware failure, businesses do not have to stop operations. The providers have a system that creates copies to mitigate hardware failure. Software updates are instant. Businesses no longer have to worry about updating software because the provider is responsible for that. It also means that they do not have to use obsolete software as cloud providers ensure theirs are up to date. Easier group collaboration. As businesses store their information in one place it is easier for them to share information. It also makes it possible for multiple users to collaborate on projects. Device independence. This mean that a user is not tethered to a single computer. That means if you change a document on one device, the changes follow you over the cloud. Disadvantages Like all new technologies cloud computing has its issues and a lot of research is yet to be done. (Armbrust, 2009). These issues lead to disadvantages such as: Vendor lock-in. Different cloud computing vendors use different protocols and APIs. This makes it difficult for businesses to run applications on different cloud based systems. These also means that businesses have to ensure that their applications are compatible with the ones the cloud vendors provide. It also means that business go through a difficult process if they decide to migrate from one vendor to the another as there are no set standards for these. (Ling, 2009). Constant internet connection is needed. Without an internet connection, cloud services cannot be accessed. The result is that businesses prefer to run most of their critical operations on local servers. The absence of one can end up stalling operation when there is no internet connection. Some information determines the fate of a company. Such information is too sensitive to store on cloud servers especially if you do not trust the provider. Low speed-connections. This results in data transfer issues. Slow connections make it next to impossible to use cloud services. When transferring huge amount, data transfer bottlenecks could end up occurring. Loss of data. Cloud platforms susceptible to attacks. Bugs and viruses are used to carry out these attacks and at times this could lead to the loss of data if the firewalls the vendor has put in place are not strong enough. This is disastrous for business especially if the data lost has a monetary value. Limited features in web based applications. Unlike their counterpart desktop applications, web based applications do not have features that are well developed. A good example is the difference in features between Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Presentation. This means businesses will prefer desktop applications. Web based application are also generally slow despite them being connected to fast internet connections. This is because everything on them including the interface has to be constant communication with the cloud server. This back and forth communication make them slower than desktop application. This is very discouraging if you are performing critical business operations. Conclusion Cloud computing gives the illusion of unlimited computing capabilities especially when we look at it from a storage point of view. It takes some of the major issues that businesses have to deal with such as scalability and constant maintenance of computing devices. Cloud computing in my opinion in future will be the main mode of computing in businesses because as much as there are disadvantages, the good outweighs the bad. It is also the best option for small businesses because they do not have to incur huge costs buying equipment, some of which at times will be idle. This means that businesses can utilise the money elsewhere. Finally, as more and more businesses adopt cloud computing the more the research in the area will advance resulting in better services that businesses can adopt. Reference List Amazon. (2016). Amazon Web Services, Inc. Retrieved from Armbrust et al, Michael. Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing. UC Berkeley RAD System Lab, 2009. Babcock C (2010) Management Strategies for the Cloud Revolution: How Cloud Computing Is Transforming Business and Why You Can't Afford to Be Left Behind. McGraw-Hill, New York Dubey, A. and D. Wagle, 2007, Delivering Software as a Service, The McKinsey Quarterly, May, 1-12. Gens, Frank. "Defining Cloud Services and Cloud Computing." IDC exchange. September 23, 2008. (accessed September 1, 2010). Ling, Qian, Luo Zhiguo, Du Yujian, and Guo Leitao. "Cloud Computing: An Overview." CloudCom. Beijing: Springer, 2009. 626-631. Macquarie Telecom. "The Business Perspective on Cloud Computing." White Paper, Sydney, 2009. Mell P and Grance T (2011) The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing National Institute of Standards and Technology Archived at htp:// Obrutsky S. (July, 2016). Cloud Storage: Advantage, Disadvantages and Enterprise Solutions for Businesses. Retrieved from Omoniyi Temitope. O. (2010). Cloud Computing for Business. Retrieved from

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Self Reflection on Management Module

Question: Discuss about the Self Reflection on Management Module. Answer: The objective of any course study or module is to develop specific learning outcomes among the participants. In the learners must be able to relate to the actual practice and value of experiencing the module or the course. The management module in which I was enrolled has significantly enriched my skills and also enhanced my personality. The involvement with the practices and activity of the management module has been very effective in developing self aware skills in time and activity management technique. The management module entails a brief orientation at the primary stage with the participants. It is followed by the main activity which involves specific allotment of task which must be completed with a stipulated deadline. This task has eventually enabled in influencing my management skills and finish the task, which I could succesfuly do it at the end. My capabilities to manage, arrange and execute the tasks were put to extreme challenge and that inspired me to work hard with mor e precession and determination. The module also involved group activity and field survey which was a daunting task but it enriched us many great experiences. The best thing about the activities and assessments involved in the module was that it aided in boosting the confidence and spirit of the participants. I can say it for myself by self analyzing my approach towards task management, before enrolling and attending the management course and the results observed after it. The activities were very coordinated with the theoretical training and I could relate to the practical scenario that has been created while formulating the module it. The assessment really went well as the interaction and engagements were very realistic and helped in deciding various outcomes. The scope and opportunity present in the management module is extensive; therefore the learner is able to grasp both analytical and educational knowledge and expertise. This management course study is developed on the lines of pertinent skills and capabilities that are an essential pre-requisite for the prospective and sound nature of an individual. The module which has been formulated is participant friendly in nature. It is built on the framework of meeting the task management objectives and sense of prioritizing by an individual. A number of organization and enterprises seek for the best qualities in a candidate; therefore participants who shall introduce oneself to the aspects of the module with all the appropriate inter personal and other technical skills can develop them efficiently. The management of appropriate planning and organizing in distributing their time accordingly to both professional and academic actions can be determined throughout this course unit. In order to enhance the effective communication and interpersonal skills required in an organizational set up, the course has designed some special activities. These tasks will help in developing the interpersonal and occupational skills of an individual. It is the importance and significance of the coursework. It has equipped the participants with group work and collaborative assignments which has enabled me with several tackling capacities. Therefore, I can conclude that the scope of the module has been very fulfilling and has instilled many mana gement values and philosophies that one must be armed with in order to deal with crisis situation.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

How do the poets represent the relationship between parent and child in Catrin, Follower and On my first Sonne Essay Example

How do the poets represent the relationship between parent and child in Catrin, Follower and On my first Sonne? Essay These three poems are all linked together and are similar to each as they all use poetic devices commonly used at this time. The poems all compare and contrast the relationship between parent and child. In On my first Sonne written by Ben Jonson is about the death of his son and controlling his emotions. Catrin written by Gillian Clarke is about the struggle of childbirth and the never ending bond between mother and daughter, even at the hardest times. Follower written by Seamus Heaney is about how time can affect people. The young boy idolises his father as a strong farm worker and he sees himself as a pain but as time goes by their roles reverse. These three poems all compare and contrast the relationship between parent and child. In Catrin has two main points throughout love and conflict. This contrasts to On my first Sonne as that is the mourning of his son. The use of struggle in line 15 could have two meanings. That the struggle is wild like an animal or it could be tenders as it is describing the birth of the child so it could be a slow struggle. The Red rope of love is the key use of imagery in this poem. This is the umbilical cord however it could perhaps be the also be the bond between the mother and daughter. This is a pun although it could be unintentional. In Follower you get a real sense of the feelings the young boy for his father with An expert. This caesural pause emphasises the respect and idolisation that the boy has for his father. Clarke use imagery to show feelings where as Heaney uses a caesura. In On my fist Sonne Johnson also uses a caesural pause to show his feelings for his boy Ben. Jonson his best piece of poetry. This optimises his feelings for his child that after all his great poem s this child he brought or in a sense created is his greatest work. This is the ways these poets show their feelings for their children. We will write a custom essay sample on How do the poets represent the relationship between parent and child in Catrin, Follower and On my first Sonne? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on How do the poets represent the relationship between parent and child in Catrin, Follower and On my first Sonne? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on How do the poets represent the relationship between parent and child in Catrin, Follower and On my first Sonne? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Clarke uses alliteration effectively in Catrin to show the harshness of birth First, fierce confrontation. The f sound is harsh and shows how hard birth is. This is similar to Heaney in follower he uses alliteration to show the strength of his father Full sail strung. Thes sound used here is a soft yet strong sound that really shows you the strength and effort of his father. Jonson is far more religious as at this time religion was a big thing with many people believing in heaven and hell. Jonson shows this by saying that he is not sad as his son is heaven Will man lament the state he should envie? This is him questioning God as he should not let this affect as his son is a better place. This rhetorical question shows how big a theme religion was at the time. This is almost like Jonson is jealous of his son as he is in the perfect place. In the latter halve of Catrin Clarke shows how the relationship changes between parent and child over a period of time however the feelings never change Still I am fighting this shows they are still fighting like the struggle at the start. From the hearts pool that old rope this shows how the bond is still there even though the girl has grown up and their relationship has changed but the feelings never do. This is similar to Follower when the father gets old But today it is my father who keeps stumbling this shows that the relationship has reversed as he is now the nuisance. However I think that the boy still has the connection to his father and would prefer to remember him as the strong farm worker rather than the frail old man. Jonson does not get to experience the change in relationship as his boy dies young yet he thinks this is good To have so soone scapd worlds, and fleshes rage. This is Jonson saying although he died young he does not have to experience the bad things in life as young age has protected him with like innocence. These three poems are all similar and different in many instances. However Catrin and Follower use similar poetic techniques compared to On my first Sonne. This is partly because On my first Sonne was written earlier than the other two. The main message that Catrin and Follower are trying to show is that time goes and changes people but the bonds between people can never be changed. Jonson is saying that life is a harsh world that his boy has not had to experience. This is how these thee poets all compare and contrast the relationship between parent and child.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Quotes From Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes

Quotes From 'Flowers for Algernon' by Daniel Keyes Flowers for Algernon is a famous novel by Daniel Keyes. Its a bittersweet novel of a mentally disabled man named Charlie, who undergoes an experimental procedure to gain higher intelligence. The book follows his evolution from his low level, through his experiences of coming to understand the world around him. The book raises ethical and moral questions about the treatment of the disabled and happiness. The story is told through Charlies diaries and other documents. One of the ways Keyes portrayed Charlies intelligence was through the evolution of his spelling and  grammar.   Quotes From Flowers for Algernon Any one who has common sense will remember that the bewilderments of the eye are of two kinds, and arise from two causes, either from coming out of the light or from going into the light, which is true of the minds eye, quite as much as of the bodily eye; and he who remembers this when he sees any one whose vision is perplexed and weak, will not be too ready to laugh; he will first ask whether that soul of man has come out of the brighter life, and is unable to see because unaccustomed to the dark, or having turned from darkness to the day is dazzled by excess of light. And he will count the one happy in his condition and state of being, and he will pity the other.  -The Republic, Prefaceall my life I wantid to be smart and not dumb and my mom always tolld me to try and lern just like Miss Kinnian tells me but its very hard to be smart and even when I lern something in Miss Kinnians class at the school I ferget alot.  I dint know mice were so smart.  If your smart you can have lots of frends to talk to and you never get lonley by yourself all the time.   Some times somebody will say hey lookit Frank, or Joe or even Gimpy. He really pulled a Charlie Gordon that time. I dont know why they say it but they always laff and I laff too.I beet Algernon. I dint even know I beet him until Burt Selden told me. Then the second time I lost because I got so excited. But after that I beet him 8 more times. I must be getting smart to beat a smart mouse like Algernon. But I dont feel smarter.She says Im a fine person and Ill show them all. I asked her why. She said never mind but I shouldnt feel bad if I find out everybody isnt nice like I think.  One thing? I, like: about, Dear Miss Kinnian: (thats, the way? it goes; in a business, letter (if I ever go! into business?) is that, she: always gives me a reason when - I ask. Shes a genius! I coud be smart like-her, Punctuation , is? fun!  I never knew before that Joe and Frank and the others liked to have me around just to make fun of me. Now I know what they mean wen they say to pull a Charlie Gord on. Im ashamed. Now I want you to look at this card, Charlie. What might this be? What do you see on this card? People see all kinds of things in these inkblots. Tell me what it makes you think of.I was seeing them clearly for the first time - not gods or even heroes, but just two men worried about getting something out of their work.  It had been all right as long as they could laugh at me and appear clever at my expense, but now they were feeling inferior to the moron. I began to see that by my astonishing growth I had made them shrink and emphasized their inadequacies.  I had betrayed them, and they hated me for it.  Our relationship is becoming increasingly strained. I resent Nemurs constant references to me as a laboratory specimen. He makes me feel that before the experiment was not really a human being.  What did you expect? Did you think Id remain a docile pup, wagging my tail and licking the foot that kicks me? I no longer have to take the kind of crap that people have been handing me all my life.   Remembering how my mother looked before she gave birth to my sister is frightening. But even more frightening is the feeling that I wanted them to catch me and beat me. Why did I want to be punished? Shadows out of the past clutch at my legs and drag me down. I open my mouth to scream, but I am voiceless. My hands are trembling, I feel cold, and there is a distant humming in my ears.  It may sound like ingratitude, but that is one of the things I hate here - the attitude that I am a guinea pig. Nemurs constant references to having made me what I am, or that someday there will be others like me who will become real human beings. How can I make him understand that he did not create me?  They had pretended to be geniuses. But they were just ordinary men working blindly, pretending to be able to bring light into the darkness. Why is it that everyone lies? No one I know is what he appears to be.  Nothing in our minds is ever really gone. The operation had covered him over with a ven eer of education and culture, but emotionally he was therewatching and waiting.   Im not your friend. Im your enemy. Im not going to give up my intelligence without a struggle. I cant go back down into that cave. Theres no place for me to go now, Charlie. So youve got to stay away.  ARTIFICIALLY-INDUCED INTELLIGENCE DETERIORATES AT A RATE OF TIME DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL TO THE QUANTITY OF THE INCREASE.the men of the cave would say of him that up he went and down he came without his eyes.  I passed your floor on the way up, and now Im passing it on the way down, and I dont think Ill be taking this elevator again.  P.S. please if you get a chance put some flowers on Algernons grave in the back yard.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Trying to be heard Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Trying to be heard - Assignment Example Consequent to this, the patient’s illness worsened, leading to her death. In my opinion, Joanna’s actions were not sufficient. Given that she sensed that Mrs. Kelly was seriously ill, when she was on night duty, she should have taken additional steps to ensure the best interest of the patient in the morning. The structure of the organization posed an institutional constraint in this case. It required a doctor to examine the patient, before any serious care could be given to a patient. The nurse on duty, hence reported the case to the resident doctor, who declined to examine the patient. The nurse did not have the ability to examine the patient further, thus exposing the patient to great pain. Following the biomedical definition of health, medical practitioners tend to concentrate on attending to a patient who depicts the corresponding symptoms of an illness. Patients who do not display any vital signs tend to be ignored. Therefore, when the nurse examined the patient, and found the vital signs to be within the normal range, the resident doctor assumed that the patient did not require urgent medical attention. Therefore, Mrs. Kelly’s health was threatened by the hidden symptoms, which were not diagnosed in time (Denny & Guido, 2012, pp. 801-802). Following her assessment, Joanna realized that Mrs. Kelly was seriously ill. Consequently, she should have ensured that patient saw a doctor urgently in the morning for an assessment. Instead of following up on the critical case, she delegated the issue to another nurse, who may have taken time to act, as well, leading to the demise of Mrs. Kelly. Following this incident, Joanna should ensure to follow up on cases with a high probability of harm to the patient in future, to promote the principle of beneficence. To avoid the occurrence of such an incidence in the future, nurses should be encouraged to take a pain management course. This